Eruption 1431147

Time:1929 ie
Duration:> 2m 46s
Standardized Duration:>2m 46s
Time Entered:2023-09-02 19:41:36
Time Updated:2023-09-04 12:08:42
Time Uploaded:2023-09-04 12:08:42
Comments:No Sawmill Yet

FLAG: to the best of my knowledge, initials majors and minors are not characteristics that have ever been applied to Tardy eruptions over the decades of history of observations The flag is not about what does or does not happen in the Sawmill group The Sawmill group has been studied intensively by people over the years who put in countless hours of in person observation (not arm chair camera gazing). Not one person has ever found a need to use the terms initial, minor, or major to clarfy what happens in the Sawmill group. Those terms have never been defined in any peer reviewed publication in reference to Tardy Geyser. As such they are essentially meaningess in this context. Furthermore, from the web cam you can not tell what is happening there for certain. Nor can you time eruptions to the second. There are Those who argue that can't even be done in person for most geysers. I think its fine if you want to use those terms for your own notes and someday when you have logged countless hours of in person observation you can make a case for using those terms in a peer reviewed article. Until that time it might be best to stick to long established traditions
Entrant: Kyle
Time Entered:2023-09-03 23:18:37
Time Updated:2023-09-05 11:54:57
Time Uploaded:2023-09-05 11:54:58
No confirms for this eruption.
No flags for this eruption.
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