Eruption 1445800

Date:2023-11-23 (Pacific/Auckland)
Time:1526 (Pacific/Auckland)
Standardized Duration:2m
Time Entered:2023-11-22 19:29:39
Time Updated:2023-11-22 19:32:23
Time Uploaded:2023-11-22 19:32:24
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Comments:1219 water visible in vent at a low level and not bubbling. 1302 level has risen up to typical water level, just below overflow and not bubbling. 1312 no change. 1322 light bubbling at the far end of the pool. 1332 very small increase in bubbling. 1342 same plus a drifting bubble in the center. 1352 slight bubbling in center. 1402, 1412 same. 1422 big bubbles coming up every few seconds. Also in overflow. 1432 bubbling steadily with occasional bubbles showers. Water level seems to be holding at slightly higher level than 0950 observation and activity slightly better. 1442 similar, maybe a little more bubbling. 1445 stronger bubbling continuously doming the surface. 1455 same. 1505 stronger continuous doming. 1515 same. 1525 water rising. 1526 pushed water over right side and started eruption. Height 2 to 3 feet max. Then water dropped out of sight and continued to splash. 1532 water rising and very bubbly and splashy.

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