Note 22502

Date/Time From:2022-07-11 @ 1910
Date/Time To:2022-07-11 @ 2011
Observer:cb bill Tonia Ben
Time Entered:2022-07-11 20:11:08
Time Updated:2022-07-11 20:11:24
Time Uploaded:2022-07-11 20:30:28
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Play has increased from my afternoon walkabout. NV is having occational strong & tall bursts (~30') with verticalality and bounce. SV has had a few nice bursts that sent a river of water down the channel. Shoulder is damp still and no water down the back channel. Very grumbly!

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Ben VL
Time Entered:2022-07-11 22:13:29
Time Uploaded:2022-07-11 22:23:20
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
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