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Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
36111 26 Jul 2024 @ 0938 --- cb In overflow but only out the established channel toward Echinus. prolly reached overflow yesterday. pool is low, blue in color, cloudy with a weak boil. pool level is ~1" below the rim with scalloped edges exposed.
36070 24 Jul 2024 @ 0909 --- cb water level is at the top of the inner tube rim. Vigorous blooping boil and water is clear and steamy
36051 23 Jul 2024 @ 0959 --- cb water is at the bottom of the crater. I can hear it churning, but water is not visible yet. Very steamy
36007 20 Jul 2024 @ 1955 --- cb bone dry. no steam, no audible sounds, no water.
35983 19 Jul 2024 @ 0851 --- cb Cistern is completely empty>no sounds, no water, no steam! prolly drained overnight.
35939 17 Jul 2024 @ 1201 --- bbev 45hrs PSBE: CS down 18-20", still well above rim of inner tube. Clear with occasional bubble.
35845 11 Jul 2024 @ 1704 --- cb Pool a little lower than last report. Overflowing out the established channel only. 2 point blooping boil
35788 08 Jul 2024 @ 1917 --- cb clear, blue, low pool ~1" below the scalloped edges of the pool, and only overflowing out the established channel. Pool has moderate roiling, blooping 3 point boil. bloops 2-3" in height. perimeter of the pool is caked white and bone dry.
35682 02 Jul 2024 @ 1644 --- cb fairly vigorous blooping boil. Only overflowing out the established back channel. clear and blue
35083 10 Jun 2024 @ 1237 --- SantaFe108 Full with center boil, light overflow out of the back-left side.
34995 08 Jun 2024 @ 1056 --- cb pool high (just below the scalloped edges) but only overflowing out the established channel. meh 3 point boil. clear and blue
34910 05 Jun 2024 @ 0825 --- bbev Water level ~2' from overflow, opalescent, with light one point boil. SB quiet.
34859 03 Jun 2024 @ 1034 --- bbev Steaming, and water just visible while standing on the middle rail. No sound of active boiling.
34836 02 Jun 2024 @ 0925 --- bbev No sign of water, either liquid or vapor.
34811 01 Jun 2024 @ 1309 --- bbev Drained completely. No steam, no sound coming from crater!
34804 01 Jun 2024 @ 1040 --- ge Empty except for extreme bottom.
34793 31 May 2024 @ 1230 --- ypcaribou Cistern water level is inside pool but above inner tube.
34776 30 May 2024 @ 1652 --- bbev 15hrs PSBE: 1' below overflow, pool is clear and flat with occasional bubble over its vent.
34686 26 May 2024 @ 0713 --- ypcaribou Tiniest trickle out the back scalloping revealed at edge of pool abt 1". No overflow anywherre else.Gentle boil in middle.
34575 16 May 2024 @ 1720 --- cb no change
34543 13 May 2024 @ 1752 --- cb pool at same level and only overflowing out the established channel. mildly reduced activity over the vent since last observation, but still a 2 pt blooping boil.
34373 28 Apr 2024 @ 1012 --- DanS Pool level a bit lower than earlier this week. Outflow only in established back channel.
34332 24 Apr 2024 @ 1002 --- DanS Full and overflowing out back and a little into trees.
34267 19 Apr 2024 @ 1622 --- MAB Clear blue and beautiful with flow every which way - possibly less flow to the west hard to tell if it was also wet from snowmelt - busy center boil
34079 01 Mar 2024 @ 0900 --- JR Empty, no sound of water below.
33937 26 Jan 2024 @ 1405 --- JR Strong flow, clear blue.
33905 24 Jan 2024 @ 1320 --- JR Stronger flow than usual, clear blue.
33820 16 Jan 2024 @ 1213 --- JR Full, clear, slight overflow.
33729 02 Jan 2024 @ 1200 --- JR About 3' below the rim, medium bubbling in center.
33374 23 Dec 2023 @ 1046 --- JR Clear, blue, but a few inches below the rim. A bit of a stronger bubble in the middle.
29066 22 Oct 2023 @ 0840 --- SantaFe108 Barely in overflow down the back established channel. Clear and blue with center boiling obscured by steam.
28965 21 Oct 2023 @ 1510 --- JR Very full, strong water flow from vent. Clear blue.
28933 20 Oct 2023 @ 1626 --- MAB Ovfl towards Echinus - even that channel looked blue - no overflow to west - clear blue rolling wide center boil
28872 19 Oct 2023 @ 1116 --- DanS Full and overflowing out established back channel.
28857 17 Oct 2023 @ 1720 --- MAB clear blue still ~2ft below the overhangs
28779 14 Oct 2023 @ 1207 --- MAB Low! Audible violent boil - steamy
28775 14 Oct 2023 @ 1000 --- Dan A Cistern is refilling, water barely visible from boardwalk ( had to stand on tiptoes to see it).
28740 12 Oct 2023 @ 1030 --- Dan A Cistern is empty
28717 09 Oct 2023 @ 1330 --- cb Down ~14" clear, blue with a weak boil
28629 05 Oct 2023 @ 1133 --- cb CS pool is low, overflowing only out the established channel. blue with a blooping boil.
28578 30 Sep 2023 @ 0924 --- ypcaribou dropped below overflow except main outlet which is a trickle
28040 05 Sep 2023 @ 1740 --- cb pool is just at the scalloped edges. not quite at overflow but VERY close. water is flowing out the established channel only.
28006 04 Sep 2023 @ 1611 --- cb Still filling, about 2.5' below overflow level. Blooping boil in the center of the pool. clear & blue
27828 28 Aug 2023 @ 1025 28 Aug 2023 @ 1140 Tara Held at the same level ~3-4' below rim and still above inner tube rim. Clear water, weak but steady bubbling.
27790 26 Aug 2023 @ 1005 --- cb Pool has dropped ~1.5' below overflow. It's clear, blue with a slight bubble in the center of the pool.
27780 25 Aug 2023 @ 1934 --- cb pool has dropped a few inches below the scalloped edges. Still a wee bit of overflow out the established channel toward Crater Spring. still a vigorous boil in the center and pool is clear & blue
27327 30 Jul 2023 @ 0916 --- ypcaribou audible overflow from back side, clear, deep blue, too steamy to see bubbles. too many people to hear bubbles
27301 28 Jul 2023 @ 2054 --- SantaFe108 Center boil, overflow out front-left and back channel. Not lapping out the front or back.
27167 23 Jul 2023 @ 1411 --- mhreed In overflow out the back channel. Light two-point boil. Blue.
27048 13 Jul 2023 @ 1035 --- Polly Overflow in established back channel and the left front. Possible overflow along left edge. 2 point boil.
27031 12 Jul 2023 @ 1105 --- Polly Overflow back left channel only. Mostly 2 point boil with a 3rd point sometimes appearing.
27012 11 Jul 2023 @ 1115 --- Polly 2 point boil. Overflow all along the left and perhaps out the back.
26993 10 Jul 2023 @ 1035 --- Polly Overflowing into channel back left and also from front right. 2 point boil.
26966 09 Jul 2023 @ 1507 --- cb clear, blue, moderate boil. overflowing out the established channel toward Crater Springs & a bit into the muddy pool
26972 09 Jul 2023 @ 1238 --- Polly One blooping boil with second spot close by that has frequent bubbles rising. Overflow left back channel and front left. The pool may be a little bit higher than yesterday.
26915 08 Jul 2023 @ 1127 --- Polly One blooping boil with an occasional second one. Overflow in the back channel and also to the front left.
26838 04 Jul 2023 @ 0838 --- MAB full clear and overflowing - moderate 2 point boil
26746 30 Jun 2023 @ 1106 --- cb clear, blue, blooping boil, overflowing into the muddy pool and out the established channel
26639 24 Jun 2023 @ 1024 --- cb Pool is clear, blue, overflowing x all directions, with a blooping boil.
26507 20 Jun 2023 @ 1333 --- SantaFe108 Full with blue water and bubbling in center. Overflowing through back-left and left runoff channels. Hard to tell if lapping over the whole pool edge or if wind is forcing it over.
26358 16 Jun 2023 @ 0902 --- CrisG pool refilled and lightly overflowing from rear channel. light bubbling in center.
26320 14 Jun 2023 @ 1130 14 Jun 2023 @ 1804 CrisG no visible or audible water this morning on walkabout and gently steaming. on evening walkabout, able to hear water sloshing and can see dark grey water in bottom of crater.
26300 14 Jun 2023 @ 1110 --- bhoppe could not see any water from the boardwalk
26266 12 Jun 2023 @ 1031 --- cb Cistern Springs pool has dropped to about 6' below the inner rim. water is still visable, just at the alcove. water is clear & blue with a few small bubbles breaking the surface
26236 11 Jun 2023 @ 1004 --- cb pool has only dropped a few inches since last night. ~18 - 24" below overflow with some consistent bubbles breaking the surface over the vent. (tennis-ping pong ball in size). pool is clear
26216 10 Jun 2023 @ 1140 --- bbev ~22hrs Post Steamboat eruption, Cistern is 1' below overflow, having dropped only 6" from yesterday evening.
26195 09 Jun 2023 @ 1600 --- Art Cistern about 1-2” below overflow and dropping.
26133 07 Jun 2023 @ 1559 --- Polly Cistern Spring has runoff to the left back, and perhaps is fuller than it was yesterday morning. I saw only a one-point boil during my brief observation.
26137 06 Jun 2023 @ 0958 --- Polly Cistern has a 2-point boil, but the second one is a bit intermittent. It is overflowing in the back left, but couldn’t see any other spots.
25855 28 May 2023 @ 1930 --- SantaFe108 Overflowing with clear blue water. Bubbling in the center and lapping water over the edges.
25724 23 May 2023 @ 1512 --- cb no change since ladt report
25667 21 May 2023 @ 1450 --- SantaFe108 Clear and blue, bubbling in the center, and overflow and lapping water at the edges.
25460 15 May 2023 @ 1824 --- ypcaribou Full, turquoise, steamy, quite clear. Muddy pool full. As seen from boardwalk zag below SB. From CS sign, constant, rolling burbling. Runoff to west, east, and vigourously to s east. Audible runoff.
25149 11 Apr 2023 @ 1000 --- mhreed Overflowing on all sides.
25058 27 Feb 2023 @ 1532 --- MAB Very pretty clear blue! Runoff only towards Echinus - Muddy Pool and westerly channel snow covered
24644 05 Nov 2022 @ 1600 --- mhreed Dropped to only a trickle of overflow.
24531 29 Oct 2022 @ 1407 --- MAB Clear w strong center roil - muddy pool and 1st pool on the right receiving flow again but not entirely full
24470 21 Oct 2022 @ 0834 --- MAB Below E/W overflow maybe an inch - nothing flowing in channels to muddy pool and 1st pool on the west - light boil
24282 06 Oct 2022 @ 1326 --- cb Cistern Spring is overflowing in all directions; more so out the established channel than toward Veteran.
24032 23 Sep 2022 @ 1633 --- MAB water not visible from lower platform - seemingly out of sight from 1st switchback but in deep shadow - no obvious bear tracks visible near the opening between Emerald and Steamboat
24033 23 Sep 2022 @ 1115 --- MAB water barely visible from lower platform
23971 20 Sep 2022 @ 1916 --- ypcaribou No obvious rise or fall in water level. Still half way between inner tube and top.
23951 20 Sep 2022 @ 1540 --- ypcaribou Water about half way between top and inner tube. Bubbling in middle. Windy so hard to tell if bubbles are causing any of the ripples.A spooky teal.
23933 20 Sep 2022 @ 1055 --- bbev 1D,20hrs PSBE: CS is 24-26" below overflow, about half way down to the inner tube.Occasional bubbles rising to surface, would not call it a boil.
29108 19 Sep 2022 @ 1100 --- research-mab 9/19/2022 1100ish Cistern drained a few feet
23494 31 Aug 2022 @ 1025 --- cb VERY low, clear, typical boil & only overflowing out the established channel
23314 21 Aug 2022 @ 0719 --- ypcaribou Nice, deep, sea glass blue, roiling in middle, water lapping at all edges. Flow out of established channel. Nice orange in front to right area where water looks to have been but now just damp with no or little standing water. Steam increases when Steamboat does a good splash. Steam also increases at Echinus and Crater Spring at same time.
23106 08 Aug 2022 @ 1919 --- cb only overflowing out the established channel. water is blue and clear with a 2pt vigorous boil
23075 06 Aug 2022 @ 1116 --- cb no change
23046 05 Aug 2022 @ 1018 --- cb pool is just at the scalloped edges. only overflowing into the muddy pool & the established channel. Meh blooping boil
23010 03 Aug 2022 @ 1514 --- cb bit lower than yesterday morning. (before the rain) Overflow out the backside, the established channel & a bit into the muddy pool. Not overflowing toward Corporal. weaker roiling boil. water is clear and blue.
22977 02 Aug 2022 @ 0946 --- cb Cistern Spring is higher again and overflowing in all directions. It has a vigorous 2 pt blooping boil. water is blue and clear
22964 01 Aug 2022 @ 1315 --- cb Cistern Spring is overflowing out the established channel and has a vigorous 2 pt blooping boil.
22946 30 Jul 2022 @ 1301 --- cb Cisterns pool is just lapping at the scalloped edges & is overflowing out the established channel area. This area still is a rainbow sherbet color. Backside and side toward Veteran is mostly dry.
22859 26 Jul 2022 @ 1230 --- cb majority of runoff is out the established channel. toward Veteran and into the bobbysock trees is mostly dry. Typical boil, clear pool
22795 22 Jul 2022 @ 1930 --- Dan A Back to overflowing in all directions
22728 20 Jul 2022 @ 1303 --- cb pool had dropped a hair. Side toward Corporal, below the catch basin has dried up as have areas on the backside in the bobbysock trees. Water is right at the scalloped edges of the pool with the majority of runoff going out the established channel toward Echinus. water is clear with a typical boil. (not more, not less)
22701 19 Jul 2022 @ 1157 --- cb high and overflowing. The bacterial mat area around and below the established runoff channel is a brilliant rainbow sherbet color again!
29089 17 Jul 2022 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/17/2022 - no time noted - Cistern developing sulfuric (yellow) ring & yellow in runoff
22624 16 Jul 2022 @ 1218 --- cb no change. pool still high and overflowing X all. vigorous boil & clear
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