Last Known Eruption
10y 36d 1h 55m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
23 Jun 2014 @ 15554y 267d 23h 55m
29 Sep 2009 @ 1600

Interval Statistics

Interval Count1
Min4y 267d 23h 55m
Max4y 267d 23h 55m
Mean4y 267d 23h 55m
Median4y 267d 23h 55m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
33464 27 Dec 2023 @ 0930 --- aferrara Dark orangish Brown
29243 29 Oct 2023 @ 1100 --- SantaFe108 Entire pool is a deep yellow color. Runoff channels completely snowed over. Beauty Pool in strong overflow.
28146 09 Sep 2023 @ 1301 --- Graham Both Beauty and Chromatic are below overflow. Chromatic is still hot.
27951 02 Sep 2023 @ 1617 --- SantaFe108 Chromatic hot and overflowing. Beauty below overflow.
26278 13 Jun 2023 @ 0729 --- bhoppe overflowing with a hot blue center. Beauty below overflow
25230 23 Apr 2023 @ 1641 --- SantaFe108 Barely below overflow and brown/yellow. Beauty Pool below overflow.
24867 11 Jan 2023 @ 0906 --- Graham In overflow
24557 30 Oct 2022 @ 1612 --- SantaFe108 Not in overflow.
24551 30 Oct 2022 @ 1435 --- SantaFe108 Hot and overflowing. Beauty Pool below overflow.
24333 10 Oct 2022 @ 1515 --- aferrara In Overflow
24234 05 Oct 2022 @ 1154 --- DanS Hot and overflowing
24135 27 Sep 2022 @ 1535 --- CrisG back in overflow
24133 27 Sep 2022 @ 1047 --- CrisG below overflow
24005 22 Sep 2022 @ 1908 --- CrisG has dropped below overflow
23842 15 Sep 2022 @ 1429 --- Graham Has dropped below overflow. Beauty Pool still below overflow.
23667 09 Sep 2022 @ 0711 --- Graham Above overflow.
23617 07 Sep 2022 @ 0640 --- Graham Below overflow. Beauty too.
23571 04 Sep 2022 @ 1708 --- Graham Back in overflow.
23568 04 Sep 2022 @ 1550 --- Graham Dropped just below overflow. Beauty still below overflow too.
23556 04 Sep 2022 @ 0635 --- Graham In overflow. Beauty below overflow.
21966 13 Jun 2022 @ 1022 --- Graham Both Beauty and Chromatic still below overflow.
21952 12 Jun 2022 @ 1509 --- Graham Dropped below overflow. Beauty also down.
21908 10 Jun 2022 @ 2114 --- Forestbewithyou In overflow
21872 09 Jun 2022 @ 1317 --- Forestbewithyou In overflow
20998 18 Apr 2022 @ 1554 --- steve Chromatic has the overflow but no blue in the vent.
20785 05 Feb 2022 @ 0905 --- aferrara Fairly heavy overflow, Noticably more clear than yesterday. bacterial mats falling off
20781 04 Feb 2022 @ 0914 --- aferrara In overflow, water gently trickling down toward river, melting a path through ice and snow
20677 12 Jan 2022 @ 0800 --- Graham In overflow.
20348 13 Nov 2021 @ 0835 --- Mkeller In heavy overflow. Beauty down about 3 inches
19590 15 Sep 2021 @ 1647 --- CrisG in heavy overflow
19579 15 Sep 2021 @ 1005 --- CrisG not in overflow..again
19555 14 Sep 2021 @ 0757 --- CrisG in overflow
19474 11 Sep 2021 @ 1047 --- User34 Barely not in overflow
19428 10 Sep 2021 @ 1331 --- CrisG in overflow
19409 09 Sep 2021 @ 2024 --- CrisG not in overflow
19334 06 Sep 2021 @ 1350 06 Sep 2021 @ 1800 steve When I walked by Chromatic after the Grand eruption it was not in overflow. It was hot, but all of the runoff channels were dry. Now at 1800 it is in strong overflow through the right and left channels.
19320 05 Sep 2021 @ 1710 --- Tara below overflow. back in very light overflow at 1758.
18140 27 Jun 2021 @ 1434 --- CrisG back in overflow
18170 27 Jun 2021 @ 1434 --- CrisG back in overflow
18102 26 Jun 2021 @ 0800 --- Graham Below overflow.
18137 25 Jun 2021 @ 0933 --- CrisG in overflow
18165 25 Jun 2021 @ 0933 --- CrisG in overflow
18134 24 Jun 2021 @ 0919 --- CrisG not in overflow. again.
18160 24 Jun 2021 @ 0919 --- CrisG not in overflow. again.
18065 23 Jun 2021 @ 2036 --- CrisG just barely in overflow
18033 22 Jun 2021 @ 2005 --- CrisG not in overflow again
18011 22 Jun 2021 @ 1510 --- CrisG back in overflow
18007 22 Jun 2021 @ 1223 --- CrisG not in overflow
17893 18 Jun 2021 @ 2145 --- WillBoekel in overflow
17891 18 Jun 2021 @ 1834 --- CrisG not in overflow. had been in overflow at approx 1520 on my last pass through
17849 16 Jun 2021 @ 1152 --- Graham Below overflow.
17855 15 Jun 2021 @ 1605 --- CrisG heavy overflow. meadow wet nearly to Beauty.
17743 13 Jun 2021 @ 1152 --- Graham In overflow.
17674 11 Jun 2021 @ 1745 --- Graham Back below overflow.
17672 11 Jun 2021 @ 1507 --- Graham In overflow. Was below overflow earlier today.
17492 05 Jun 2021 @ 1751 --- WillBoekel not in overflow but hot
17406 03 Jun 2021 @ 1140 --- Stephen_Gemar Chromatic continues to heat up. The area of brown-orange algae near the front has started to turn orangish-white.
16504 07 Nov 2020 @ 0810 --- Mkeller Blue and in heavy overflow. Beauty Pool 2 inches below overflow.
16497 01 Nov 2020 @ 1336 --- steve Chromatic has the overflow and is a pretty light blue.
16471 28 Oct 2020 @ 1357 --- Janet Jones Chromatic Pool is strongly in overflow. Half of the vent farthest from the boardwalk is clear of microbes near the vent while the half closer has green to brown microbes. The entire pool is ringed with orange microbes. Water flowing out farther than I can recollect.
16423 14 Oct 2020 @ 1519 --- jonp In overflow; blue center
16280 26 Sep 2020 @ 1836 --- Ajw Pool in overflow.
16199 19 Sep 2020 @ 1818 --- Graham Back in overflow.
16196 19 Sep 2020 @ 1445 --- Graham Now back below overflow.
16193 19 Sep 2020 @ 1340 --- Graham In overflow. Beauty water level dropped more, well below overflow.
16177 18 Sep 2020 @ 1251 --- Graham Dropped below overflow. Beauty is below OF too.
16003 06 Sep 2020 @ 1812 --- Graham Early this afternoon both Chromatic and Beauty were below overflow. Now Chromatic is in overflow and Beauty is still below overflow.
15983 04 Sep 2020 @ 1401 --- Janet Jones Chromatic well in control of the energy here. A good half of the pool is free of microbes. Beauty, on the other hand, is about 6" below overflow.
15597 16 Aug 2020 @ 1156 --- Mkeller In overflow. Beauty Pool down about an inch below overflow.
15368 04 Aug 2020 @ 1432 --- Janet Jones Overflowing heavily. Has lost most of its microbe mat.
13615 05 Sep 2019 @ 1525 --- CrisG Pool in overflow
11133 29 Apr 2019 @ 1400 --- Polly Pool is very small. There is a large patch of dry sinter between it and Beauty Pool.
3949 16 Feb 2017 @ 1115 --- WillBoekel in overflow
3813 26 Oct 2016 @ 1516 --- udo In overflow. Beauty is not.
3535 24 Aug 2016 @ 1054 --- WillBoekel still in overflow
3295 12 Jul 2016 @ 1431 --- udo in overflow
3166 01 Jul 2016 @ 1817 --- mhreed In overflow.
2844 14 May 2016 @ 1300 --- bhoppe In overflow. Beauty not overflowing.
2667 17 Jan 2016 @ 1200 --- Graham In overflow. Note Steve Eide said Beauty was in overflow earlier in the month. Not sure though, there was a lot of snow around Beauty when I was there.
2290 07 Sep 2015 @ 0700 --- Graham In overflow, Beauty down. Jim said he saw Chromatic in overflow on 6th.
1481 02 Nov 2014 @ 0900 --- WillBoekel up and hot @ 0900. not sure if this has switched, just noting which one is hot for the end of the season
1445 08 Oct 2014 @ 0000 08 Oct 2014 @ 2359 Janet Jones Chromatic Pool in good overflow. Some of it almost reaching Beauty Pool.
1081 14 Jun 2014 @ 1725 --- WillBoekel Full and hot while beauty has dropped at 1725
897 19 Jan 2014 @ 0000 19 Jan 2014 @ 2359 WillBoekel Has the engery over Beauty and is overflowing
1014 11 Sep 2008 @ 0000 11 Sep 2008 @ 2359 BoekelUpload Chromatic is down and Beauty is high
1003 26 Aug 2008 @ 0000 26 Aug 2008 @ 2359 BoekelUpload has energy; Beauty not overflowing
1251 23 Jul 2007 @ 0000 23 Jul 2007 @ 2359 BoekelUpload in overflow (Beauty not)
1250 12 Mar 2007 @ 0000 12 Mar 2007 @ 2359 BoekelUpload with high water
1249 18 Feb 2007 @ 0000 18 Feb 2007 @ 2359 BoekelUpload in overflow
15861 03 Sep 1997 @ 0715 --- JarnoO exchange from Chromatic to Beauty before 0715
15821 04 May 1997 @ 0000 04 May 1997 @ 2359 JarnoO Beauty and Chromatic switch: Chromatic high
15252 30 Jun 1996 @ 0000 30 Jun 1996 @ 0600 JarnoO exchanged function overnight back to Beauty
15239 15 Jun 1996 @ 1430 --- JarnoO exchange of function; both flowing at 1430
14400 02 Oct 1995 @ 0000 03 Oct 1995 @ 0600 JarnoO switch to Beauty dominant began Monday, complete by Tues{day} morn{ing}
14338 27 Jul 1995 @ 0000 27 Jul 1995 @ 2359 JarnoO exchange of function: Chromatic in overflow
12767 03 Nov 1994 @ 0000 --- JarnoO exchange of function to Beauty Pool overnight between 1600 11/2 and long before 1331 11/3
12681 26 Jun 1994 @ 0000 26 Jun 1994 @ 2359 JarnoO became dominant over Beauty today
5673 27 Aug 1992 @ 0000 --- JarnoO exchange of function, Beauty dominant, changed overnight since 8/26 2000 {not sure if 2000 is meant as a time of estimate exchange of function}
5164 01 Apr 1992 @ 0000 --- JarnoO exchange of function {with Beauty Pool} between 1900 3/31 and 0800 4/1
598 18 Aug 1976 @ 0000 18 Aug 1976 @ 2359 BoekelUpload dropped approx 4 in algae ok
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