Last Known Eruption
11y 319d 5m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
01 May 2013 @ 1350 ie18y 272d 3h 8m
07 Aug 1994 @ 1042 ie

Interval Statistics

Interval Count1
Min18y 272d 3h 8m
Max18y 272d 3h 8m
Mean18y 272d 3h 8m
Median18y 272d 3h 8m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
4723 29 Jul 1995 @ 1340 --- research-mab 07/29/1995 Bastille high pressure 1340
30095 29 Jul 1995 @ 1201 --- research-mab 7/29/1995 - no time noted - Bastille like a “blast furnace” from two vents
30086 29 Jul 1995 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/29/1995 - no times noted - Disturbance has arrived!!! Bastille – continuous to 15 feet. T-92? pH 7.01 Butch & the Cousins are active & muddy. Son of Green Dragon – Muddy T-83.0 pH 2.93 Yellow Funnel – Heavy boil, muddy T-80.6 pH 2.91
30090 29 Jul 1995 @ 1110 --- research-mab 7/29/1995 Bastille changed to steam phase 1st saw around 11:10am
5378 01 Feb 1995 @ 1800 --- research-mab 02/01/1995 Bastille was in constant eruption with occasional bursts reaching over my head while I was standing on the boardwalk. (I’m 6’3”)
30227 19 Nov 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 11/19/94 - no time noted - Pearl was in eruption – just saw overflow from Bastille.
30224 26 Oct 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 10/18-26 1994 - no times noted - Bastille is broken. Intervals of over one hour have been observed!!
30206 16 Sep 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 9/16/1994 - no time noted - New activity at Bastille! It seems like it has a quiet 4 min fill – overflow for a couple of min. then has a 1-2 min eruption, drains & quietly refill. Son of Green Dragon is still muddy – violent eruptions from a pool 1-2 ft (?) deep.
30193 31 Aug 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/31/1994 - no time noted - Bastille returned to eruptive cycles either on 8/27 or 8/28 – the same day water level returned to Double Bulger & Porkchop returned to the cloudy blue 8pH water in the system pre-disturbance (Friday night noticed it). Bastille ph is also around 8 again.
30187 21 Aug 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/21/1994 - no time noted - Bastille has water in the system & overflowing – seems to be a perpetual spouter 83.1ºC… ground temps at south end of boardwalk 91ºC.
30183 11 Aug 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/11/1994 - no time noted -. The ground around Bastille is fairly warm. At the end of the boardwalk to the south, the temp is holding steady around 200ºF! This extends North about 35 feet. Bastille remains in steam phase with a temp of 93ºC (200ºF) in the main vent. Please note the colors around the vent.
30172 08 Aug 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/8/1994 - no times noted - Disturbance continues!! WOW!! A major water drop occurred. Levels in BB down 2”-18”. Bastille increased in pressure. Ground temps around Bastille are still increasing! 3 geysers to the right of Butch active to 3-12 feet.
30161 07 Aug 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/7/1994 - no times noted - It seems the time has come for our Mjr annual disturbance...Bastille is a steam vent – water spouting in sink holes north of Bastille (new holes in the hot spot area – need to take temps.) Butch is muddy, muddy!
30166 07 Aug 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/7/1994 - no times noted - the time has come for our Mjr annual disturbance Addition to above: Ground temps near Bastille have increased dramatically at south end of of boardwalk temp was >220ºF in two spots! The three geysers between and N of Butch are active.
12699 26 Jul 1994 @ 0000 26 Jul 1994 @ 2359 JarnoO Extra long eruption{s} (as long as 22m); ground around it is 80°C
30304 18 Sep 1993 @ 1200 --- research-mab 9/18/93 - no time noted - Bastille and its counterpart across the trail still continuously erupting.
30301 11 Sep 1993 @ 1200 --- research-mab 9/11/1993 - no time noted - Bastille Geyser continues to erupt constantly as does the feature across the trail. Bastille reaches above the barricade with drops.
30293 31 Aug 1993 @ 1200 --- research-mab August 31, 1993 - no time noted - Bastille continues its constant eruption.
30289 26 Aug 1993 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/26/1993 - no time noted - Bastille continues to erupt enthusiastically - Bastille Geyser erupting continuously.
30275 24 Aug 1993 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/24/1993 - no times noted - Other signs of disturbance (albeit mild} - Bastille continuous and higher, more vigorous than before. Let’s watch this for increased height and danger to boardwalk users. - Spouter across from Bastille to 8’ or so.
30266 22 Aug 1993 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8-22/1993 - no time noted - Bastille still overflowing during the longer eruptions
30247 23 Jul 1993 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/23/1993 - no time noted - “Bastille” erupting every 30 seconds or so for 2 minutes to heights of 3’ or so.
30458 03 Sep 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 9/3/1992 - no time noted - “New” Bastille Day Spouter is dry – some gurgle heard, there is water in the pool behind it though
30449 17 Aug 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/17 - no time noted - Vixen had just erupted when I passed by, wet margin. New spouter [bastille] dry
30438 14 Aug 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/14/1992 - no time noted - The thermal feature is also dry. And it is bubbling below.
30435 13 Aug 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/13/1992 - no time noted - The new spouter has dried up – no visible water but you can still hear it bubbling below the vent
30423 05 Aug 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/5/1992 - no time noted - Many features have again dropped water level - New Thermal feature {bastille} just bubbling above the vents at ground level,
30418 01 Aug 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/1/1992 - no time noted - the new thermal features continues to drop in water level – It seem quite a bit smaller with no run-off and it is erupting only about 1 foot high. Son of Green Dragon- water level has dropped about 2 feet and the now very murky water is boiling violently with intermittent burst like activity
30411 31 Jul 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/31/92 - no time noted - Our new thermal feature has dropped its water level- down about a foot with no run off.
30407 29 Jul 1992 @ 1800 --- research-mab 7/30/92 a.m.- inferred est.times "last night" {29th} - New Spouter {Bastille} has no runoff – few splashes reach boardwalk. Butch in constant eruption,
30399 29 Jul 1992 @ 1600 --- research-mab 7/29/1992 - no time noted ~ afternoon - maintenance crew removed barricades to open the Back Basin in late afternoon. Rick Hutchinson feels that we are not in imminent danger of hydrothermal explosion and we’ll get the boardwalk crew in to move the walk over a ways. There is a strong barricade at the new spouter. Please continue to monitor the area carefully- report here anything new or unusual .
30393 28 Jul 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/28/1992 - no time noted - The new thermal feature seems to be slowing down some- The western edges of the pool (away from the boardwalk) is no longer boiling There were about 8-10 very smalls [sic] vents. That have stopped. There is also very little to no runoff!!
30391 27 Jul 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/27 - no time noted - New Thermal Area – The spouter is still spouting -But there is little or no runoff. {Bastille} Corral [sic] Springs is way down about 12 inches. The depressions are getting bigger. Fearless is way down also. But that is not unusual The rest of the back basin is still very muddy & boiling-Porcelain is the same.
30389 26 Jul 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/26/92 - no time noted - In the new spouter, water level is also down with diminished runoff. Ground is still cooking & steaming in the vicinity.
30385 25 Jul 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/25/1992 -no time noted - The new area is still cooking – the holes and depressions {south of Vixen presumed mab} keep getting bigger But the new spouter is the same size with the same activity
30370 19 Jul 1992 @ 1500 --- research-mab 7/19/1992 - inferred afternoon time - New Thermal Area still very active!! 2 new cavities – right near Double Bulger Plus one cavity that has since been turned into a hole – Area very steamy & hot!!
30373 19 Jul 1992 @ 1400 --- research-mab 7/19/1992 - inferred time after palpitator entry - Things still cooking!! in the Back Basin. The new spouter is still very active – although the ground in the area has become significantly hotter. You can feel the heat coming through the boardwalk. There are several new holes around. And the cavity across from the new spouter keeps getting bigger everyday.
30368 18 Jul 1992 @ 0842 --- research-mab 7/18/1992 - approx time based on other entries - The whole area around the new spouter {bastille} was steaming pretty actively this morning. The trees in the surrounding area a [sic] cooking. Several trees have fallen overnight – It looks like a new hole may have formed on the other side of the Boardwalk. Right next to Double Bulger. The new spouter is beginning to undercut the boardwalk. It is spitting more H20 onto the Boardwalk.
30366 17 Jul 1992 @ 1203 --- research-mab 7/17/92 again - no time noted - We decided that any alternative routes would invite off trail exploration into equally dangerous areas so did not flag a route. Especially southeast of Vixen is a depression with holes all along the margin. {nbk6} The depression from memory, might be 5’ x 7’ or bigger. It looks trecherous [sic]. So we decided to stick with the boardwalk. Duncan Foley was here…. He has a soil thermometer which registers to 300ºF so we went to the hot area. With soil temps of 199.2ºF, he says we have hot water very close to the surface. Makes sense. New boardwalk in order to circumvent the hazardous area seems essential. A visitor made the suggestion of using heat-sensing apparatus in order to chose a new safe route. Duncan Foley said he would come back tomorrow in the AM to re-check temps.
30364 17 Jul 1992 @ 1202 --- research-mab 7/17/92 - no time noted - The new spouter looks a little bigger – There is a lot more H20 in it then when I last saw it on Tuesday evening. Also the pools in Back Basin seem to be boiling more violently. Mystic is very muddy.
30363 17 Jul 1992 @ 1201 --- research-mab 7/17/92 - no time noted - Area around new feature in Back Basin is very hot & steamy... will try to flag an alternate route past it today as we haven’t a clue what may happen down there.
30362 17 Jul 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/17/1992 - no time noted - The most dramatic change is in the area near the Porkchop spur & the new spouter. The ground is very hot over a large area. Temps to follow. There appears to be a steaming crack, parallel to the Pork chop spur trail on the east side. Much water runoff from the new spouter, making silt-like channels. Hole is at least 4 feet across. Spouting up onto board walk. [Bastille]
7867 14 Jul 1992 @ 0815 14 Jul 1992 @ 1450 research-mab The violently Boiling spring near Porkchop is not Corral [sic] Spring – it is a New Geyser!! ← Spouter. I discovered it this morning at 8:15 about 2 inches in diameter- this afternoon at 1450 it had increased to about 3-4 ft in diameter & was erupting continuously 3-6 ft
30359 14 Jul 1992 @ 0810 --- research-mab 7/14/1992 - approx time - Weirdness in the Back Basin - Pool at Veteran ¾ full at 8:05- Directly across from Double Bulger – maybe Coral Springs – is violently boiling {start of Bastille- mab}
07 Aug 1994 @ 1042 JSJ Video by David Schwarz of Bastille Geyser erupting (timestamp 6:18) during the late morning of 7 August 1994.
Baseline does not exist.