Note ID | Start Time (US/Mountain) | End Time (US/Mountain) | Entrant | Note |
38282 |
23 Feb 2025 @ 1500 |
--- |
K.Cooper |
Sad. substantial runoff flowing into vent. dormancy blue. Definitely dormant. Streamers growing in runoff and pool edges. |
38010 |
15 Dec 2024 @ 1621 |
--- |
K.Cooper |
No longer dormancy blue, different from October. Overflowing lightly and constantly. Light convection observed. Clear with just a tiny bit of colloidal blue very deep in the vent. no snow within a few inches of the waterline. |
37816 |
29 Oct 2024 @ 0920 |
--- |
still receiving water from Northern Porc |
37766 |
25 Oct 2024 @ 0900 |
--- |
Still green around the gills - deep sediment delta on N side ~5m wide and ~1m into pool undisturbed with green highlights - green also on the beige and orangish algae covered rocks in the crater - channel below BW still green |
37750 |
24 Oct 2024 @ 1701 |
--- |
DanS |
Pool very low with scummy film covering about one third. May have erupted earlier today. |
37715 |
24 Oct 2024 @ 1156 |
--- |
SantaFe108 |
LOW! Water 6-8in below overflow. Lots of scummy foam on surface. |
37672 |
22 Oct 2024 @ 0848 |
--- |
Low! Almost zero water flowing in from N Porcelain - maybe Blue drained since 19th? - cyanobacteria still present below channel by bw |
37591 |
15 Oct 2024 @ 1000 |
15 Oct 2024 @ 1500 |
water entering in two channels above the pool - slight overflow both channels - pool looks pearly blue and cool with very little steam - Zygoogonium is gone, when did that happen? |
37500 |
10 Oct 2024 @ 1238 |
--- |
SantaFe108 |
In light overflow, with murky blue water... |
37355 |
03 Oct 2024 @ 1030 |
--- |
SantaFe108 |
Light overflow, scum on surface. Sporting a beautiful milky blue shade of "Dormancy Blue". |
37106 |
21 Sep 2024 @ 1345 |
21 Sep 2024 @ 1500 |
CP |
Light overflow. No change during time observed. |
36806 |
06 Sep 2024 @ 1401 |
--- |
cb |
☹️ just sad. lots of water coming into the pool from above. pool is a very cloudy, mucky blueish/brown color. no nothing! |
35406 |
21 Jun 2024 @ 1105 |
21 Jun 2024 @ 1214 |
nails |
Barely overflowing. Blue grey and opalescent. A killdeer is wading in and nibbling from Whirligig’s runoff. |
35351 |
19 Jun 2024 @ 1146 |
--- |
Craigmon99 |
Runoff channel is wet, however the pool is opalescent blue and stagnant. |
35352 |
19 Jun 2024 @ 1146 |
--- |
Craigmon99 |
Runoff channel is wet, however the pool is opalescent blue and stagnant. |
35064 |
10 Jun 2024 @ 0906 |
10 Jun 2024 @ 1212 |
SantaFe108 |
Milky blue and overflowing. Very sad :(
1212: Condition unchanged. |
34964 |
07 Jun 2024 @ 0945 |
07 Jun 2024 @ 1048 |
CrisG |
lake placid state continues. teal center |
34806 |
01 Jun 2024 @ 1345 |
01 Jun 2024 @ 1615 |
cb |
No activity at all! not even any steam! center of the pool has a tinge of opalescent blue with a slight red ring along the edges. pool below overflow🙁 |
34330 |
24 Apr 2024 @ 1248 |
--- |
DanS |
Flat calm with algae growing in outflow. |
34235 |
19 Apr 2024 @ 0915 |
--- |
cool with zygogonium in the left channel in the steady flow - just AT overflow with the right channel not fuily flowing and partially dry with no growths |
34124 |
17 Mar 2024 @ 1035 |
17 Mar 2024 @ 1320 |
Mkeller |
No activity. No minors. The berm around the vent looks weathered like it hasn’t had a major in a while. Pool level never changed and I never saw any convection either |
31724 |
29 Nov 2023 @ 1616 |
--- |
JR |
Various points throughout the day Whirligig seemed low, but couldn't confirm anything visual or audible. |
29311 |
31 Oct 2023 @ 1700 |
--- |
filled a bit in the last hours! Not quite reaching ovfl but ... progress! |
29302 |
31 Oct 2023 @ 0846 |
31 Oct 2023 @ 1255 |
Cloudy blue & LOW - NOT EVEN CLOSE to overflow - down a vertical foot! No change or fill in 4+ hrs - only a trickle coming in from channels upstream |
29050 |
22 Oct 2023 @ 1310 |
22 Oct 2023 @ 1900 |
SantaFe108 |
In good overflow on arrival. Lots of suds on cloudy green pool surface with rooster tail + shore vent blips and bubbling near the front runoff channel. Did not change at all between 1310 and 1900. |
28985 |
21 Oct 2023 @ 1600 |
--- |
JR |
Gentle overflow. Blue, slightly murky. |
28916 |
20 Oct 2023 @ 0803 |
20 Oct 2023 @ 1040 |
Quiet - left channel with good flow - right channel is wet but not steadily overflowing - upon arrival it looked like it just regained ovfl after a minor but stayed the same for 2.5 hours - as Constant heated up prior to erupting poor Whirligig looked cold in comparison |
28886 |
19 Oct 2023 @ 1303 |
19 Oct 2023 @ 1518 |
DanS |
No change in runoff, pool height or indication of wanting to erupt. |
28797 |
14 Oct 2023 @ 0835 |
--- |
in overflow 0835 - left @1136 - same observed 1400-1455 - did see a slight sign of life starting 1044 teeny rooster tail blips and faint brief main vent convection - rooster tail looked a little better @ 1740 |
28747 |
12 Oct 2023 @ 1700 |
--- |
JR |
Overflowing. Clear. |
28646 |
05 Oct 2023 @ 1310 |
05 Oct 2023 @ 1430 |
cb |
pool is overflowing out both channels. no activity. no convection or bubbling from the roostertail even. LOTS of white foamy stuff floating on the surface. |
28592 |
30 Sep 2023 @ 0830 |
30 Sep 2023 @ 1232 |
just regaining overflow @0830 - left the bench 1232 for Congress area - still full when I exited Porcelain about 1310 |
28545 |
29 Sep 2023 @ 1149 |
--- |
User34 |
Starting to overflow |
28373 |
20 Sep 2023 @ 0945 |
--- |
Micah Kipple |
Back in light overflow. |
28297 |
17 Sep 2023 @ 0900 |
17 Sep 2023 @ 1158 |
SantaFe108 |
No eruptions during this time, overflow slowly getting better over the course of 3 hours. Not even a bubble or a blip from Rooster Tail, just flat pool the whole time. |
28253 |
14 Sep 2023 @ 1110 |
14 Sep 2023 @ 1215 |
CP |
Went into overflow about 11:15 and was still overflowing when we left at 12:15. |
28155 |
09 Sep 2023 @ 1322 |
--- |
steve |
Perhaps a very weak minor. There was stronger overflow, some churning, and the rooster tail vent bubbled. Nothing went airborne |
27518 |
11 Aug 2023 @ 1047 |
--- |
cb |
most have had a good eruption in the last hour. pool is ~2' below overflow |
27223 |
25 Jul 2023 @ 0939 |
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mhreed |
Pool in overflow. Minimal convection over rooster tail vent. Back to a more normal turquoise color. |
26668 |
25 Jun 2023 @ 1221 |
--- |
steve |
Minor with almost no splashing from any vent |
26667 |
25 Jun 2023 @ 1154 |
--- |
steve |
Weak minor lasting 14 seconds with only the rooster tail and shore vents active and weak rolling from main vent. |
26666 |
25 Jun 2023 @ 1128 |
--- |
steve |
A really weak excuse for a minor. Main vent rolled a bit and the rooster tail and shore vents were on for just a few seconds |
26650 |
24 Jun 2023 @ 1732 |
--- |
mhreed |
Pool rising, not yet at overflow. At 1752, rock on left side of pool covered. |
26614 |
23 Jun 2023 @ 0955 |
--- |
cb |
from 0918 pool is in good overflow & Rooster tail vent is convecting. left area @ 1130 with pool still high & in overflow. no minors |
26498 |
20 Jun 2023 @ 0710 |
--- |
SantaFe108 |
Barely in overflow on arrival. |
25919 |
30 May 2023 @ 1910 |
--- |
Last eyes on Whirligig so interval after last minor 1h 53m - receiving lots cold water from upstream during and after the heavy rains |
25911 |
30 May 2023 @ 1046 |
--- |
TSBryan |
M A will probably have details of minir eruptions at 0920, 1003, and 1046 |
25884 |
29 May 2023 @ 1038 |
--- |
cb |
pool is very low. ~2'+ below overflow and a milky turquoise green color. pool filled/rose fast! |
25146 |
11 Apr 2023 @ 1201 |
--- |
mhreed |
Low pool. |
25054 |
27 Feb 2023 @ 1401 |
--- |
appeared full from above but hard to see - upon arrival via Congress down a few inches - dreaded minors probably have returned |
24139 |
27 Sep 2022 @ 1310 |
--- |
SteveO |
Big push. |
24138 |
27 Sep 2022 @ 1244 |
--- |
SteveO |
Big push. |
24137 |
27 Sep 2022 @ 1222 |
--- |
SteveO |
Big push. |
23810 |
13 Sep 2022 @ 1526 |
--- |
CP |
Big push. |
23808 |
13 Sep 2022 @ 1428 |
--- |
CP |
A small push from all vents. |
23806 |
13 Sep 2022 @ 1355 |
--- |
CP |
Extended push. |
23722 |
10 Sep 2022 @ 1629 |
--- |
CP |
Push similar to 1603. |
23721 |
10 Sep 2022 @ 1603 |
--- |
CP |
Another nice push but as good as 1534. |
23720 |
10 Sep 2022 @ 1534 |
--- |
CP |
Nice push from all vents. |
23719 |
10 Sep 2022 @ 1327 |
--- |
CP |
Small push |
23635 |
07 Sep 2022 @ 2007 |
--- |
refilling - overflow 2027 - possible brief minor 2133 - stupid cloud again - left @ 80min post seen overflow 2148 |
23614 |
06 Sep 2022 @ 1935 |
--- |
Low - refilling |
23005 |
03 Aug 2022 @ 1133 |
--- |
cb |
reach overflow |
22729 |
20 Jul 2022 @ 1356 |
--- |
cb |
pool ~3" below overflow. 1410 right channel in overflow. |
22605 |
15 Jul 2022 @ 1627 |
--- |
cb |
copious overflow, push, no vent activity. |
22602 |
15 Jul 2022 @ 1230 |
--- |
cb |
overflow |
22568 |
14 Jul 2022 @ 1514 |
--- |
cb |
brief mid cycle play. 4 center vent blips that broke the surface & Rooster tail played for ~40s. overflow at 1547. (1H7M) |
22541 |
13 Jul 2022 @ 1053 |
--- |
cb |
mid interval push, pool NOT in overflow. Rooster tail and shore vent played briefly. no sounds or bursts. Domed and blipped to 6". Saw this yesterday too |
22540 |
13 Jul 2022 @ 0926 |
--- |
cb |
pool in copious overflow. push. no activity from vents |
22277 |
01 Jul 2022 @ 0909 |
--- |
aeen refilling 0832 - just reaching ovfl 0909 |
22151 |
27 Jun 2022 @ 1244 |
--- |
cb |
overflow at 1232 in both channels. 1322 shore and Rooster tail small blips that are off and on until Whirligig started |
21673 |
02 Jun 2022 @ 1520 |
02 Jun 2022 @ 1525 |
CP |
Should have had something In this range but was a no show. |
20101 |
24 Oct 2021 @ 1751 |
--- |
not in overflow |
20115 |
24 Oct 2021 @ 0853 |
--- |
low pool refilling post eruption |
19926 |
06 Oct 2021 @ 1703 |
--- |
cb |
came back from back basin and missed Whirligig next eruption by 15- 20m. pool is low in the crater but starting to fill. double drat. |
19706 |
23 Sep 2021 @ 1659 |
23 Sep 2021 @ 1710 |
cb |
Start of overflow after 1659 minor |
19695 |
23 Sep 2021 @ 1015 |
23 Sep 2021 @ 1018 |
SteveO |
1015 start of overflow after 0923 minor. 1018 side vents started bubbling for about 10 seconds with increased overflow, pool did not below overflow but overflow dropped back to just a trickle. |
19234 |
01 Sep 2021 @ 1135 |
01 Sep 2021 @ 1159 |
did a VERY educational series of FLIR shots during overflow |
19134 |
28 Aug 2021 @ 1651 |
--- |
Graham |
First overflow since the major. |
19079 |
25 Aug 2021 @ 1233 |
--- |
kc |
Pool below overflow when vents started. |
19076 |
25 Aug 2021 @ 1149 |
--- |
kc |
Slight pause about 5 minutes in. Good height. |
18802 |
02 Aug 2021 @ 1503 |
--- |
cb |
pool VERY low, just above the inner vent. lots of red rim exposed. just recently erupted. ~10-20m ago. |
18663 |
25 Jul 2021 @ 1814 |
--- |
cb |
As I approached Porcelain basin I saw that Whirligig's pool was VERY LOW. ~5'. I just missed a full eruption. Walked down and the pool was filling but still had 4' of exposed red. Walked away figuring I had a long wait and was surprised when I got above Hurricane Vent to see Graceful and heard it ie @ 1839. Pool was NOT in overflow when it erupted! End 1841. |
18487 |
17 Jul 2021 @ 1917 |
--- |
cb |
I just missed a full eruption by minutes. Pool was drained exposing 5' of red rim. |
18391 |
12 Jul 2021 @ 1207 |
12 Jul 2021 @ 1212 |
cb |
pool not in overflow but the side vent is playing 1" - 2". nothing from other vents. |
18237 |
01 Jul 2021 @ 1008 |
01 Jul 2021 @ 1024 |
JarnoO |
Logger probe replaced. Previously averaged around 20°C with Whirligig spikes reaching up to 45°C or higher, current trace averages around 50°C with Whirligig spikes reaching up to 70°C or higher. |
19271 |
24 Jun 2021 @ 0541 |
24 Jun 2021 @ 0633 |
NOTE to future researchers - Missing from the data here is a Whirligig minor at 0541 and a full eruption at 0633. Based on the YVO temperature trace, the interval information here is incomplete. These eruptions were disputed and deleted, but I believe they should be included, or at least a future researcher can make the choice to include them, or not, in their study of Whirligig, so I note them here. |
17752 |
13 Jun 2021 @ 1630 |
--- |
cb |
A phenomenal amount of HOT water coming down the channel from pinwheel that has turned pinwheels channel whiteish. Channel SMELLS BAD, like decayed organic matter! |
17751 |
13 Jun 2021 @ 1302 |
--- |
novakg |
Whirligig's pool recovered. 27 minute recovery. |
17345 |
01 Jun 2021 @ 1435 |
--- |
Bhoffer |
Attempted eruption. Pool fully recovered at 1501. |
17283 |
30 May 2021 @ 1449 |
--- |
cb |
~1' below over flow |
17207 |
27 May 2021 @ 0902 |
--- |
refilling - ~2ft red shore exposed |
17019 |
09 May 2021 @ 1315 |
09 May 2021 @ 1400 |
cb |
pool was high and in overflow during this time period. side and shore vent played briefly 3 times while we waited. once right before the Constant eruption and just before Constants pool crashes. |
16988 |
05 May 2021 @ 0655 |
--- |
JarnoO |
From this time the number of non-minors increased while there were hardly any minors. Also no minors between the last two non-minors. In previous years, an increase in non-minors while simultaneously the number of minors decreased, announced the arrival of a disturbance. |
16869 |
05 Apr 2021 @ 1051 |
05 Apr 2021 @ 1133 |
JarnoO |
No data |
16857 |
01 Mar 2021 @ 1146 |
02 Mar 2021 @ 1309 |
JarnoO |
No data between these times. |
16828 |
24 Jan 2021 @ 1602 |
--- |
markwolf |
looks low from overlook. post eruption? lots of silty runoff from graceful area hitting logger |
16814 |
19 Jan 2021 @ 1200 |
--- |
JarnoO |
Appears to have almost completed the switch to solely non-minor eruptions in the previous 24h. |
16812 |
17 Jan 2021 @ 1500 |
18 Jan 2021 @ 1200 |
JarnoO |
Minors started to become more spaced out around 1500 January 17 and occurred roughly hourly by 1800. This culminated into the first non-minor since ±April/May 2020 at 0220 January 18. It has since had two non-minors before logger data was uploaded @ 1200. Previous disturbances featured Whirligig switching from exclusively minors to exclusively non-minors for roughly the duration of the disturbance. Therefore, my assumption is that there's a disturbance currently ongoing at Norris. |
13708 |
15 Sep 2019 @ 1219 |
--- |
Skookum |
False start w/ pulsating over main vent with two splashes, splashing from rooster tail, and heavy overflow before subsiding to a light overflow. |