Last Known Eruption
2y 144d 17h 14m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
03 Jun 2022 @ 1209286d 1h 51m
21 Aug 2021 @ 1018 ie

Interval Statistics

Interval Count1
Min286d 1h 51m
Max286d 1h 51m
Mean286d 1h 51m
Median286d 1h 51m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
37699 24 Oct 2024 @ 1300 --- DanS Gurgling inside cone but no water visible. Sandy land bridge has formed to shore due to low lake level.
35150 12 Jun 2024 @ 1526 --- Graham Submerged now. Was exposed 2 weeks ago.
27897 01 Sep 2023 @ 1321 --- Graham Side vent gurgling but not ie
26933 08 Jul 2023 @ 1625 --- nails Submerged
26535 20 Jun 2023 @ 1925 --- Craigmon99 Under about 8 inches of water. 2 ducks are having a great time “fishing” for food Still boiling a little from the vent even though it’s underwater
23547 03 Sep 2022 @ 1457 --- Graham Gurgling but no splashing or runoff from side vent.
23359 23 Aug 2022 @ 0903 --- Craigmon99 Gently steaming
21265 13 May 2022 @ 1505 --- Tara Several feet out of the water, lower platform visible.
16465 28 Oct 2020 @ 1140 --- Janet Jones The side vent looks dry - no steam from it. The back bubbler was audibly bubbling.
16100 13 Sep 2020 @ 1143 --- Graham No water visible, just gurgling. Cone all dry even around side vent.
14038 17 Dec 2019 @ 1525 17 Dec 2019 @ 1536 Micah Kipple On frequent intervals, water fills the side vent (north side) of Fishing Cone and at the highest point, roils or bursts several inches to a foot. Technically this probably fulfills the general definition of being a geyser.
3353 23 Jul 2016 @ 0933 --- bhoppe No water visible in the cone or in the side vent. Side vent was lightly steaming this morning.
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