Last Known Eruption
8y 35d 16h 40m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
21 Sep 2016 @ 1243 ns5m 18y 125d 4h 43m
24 May 1998 @ 0800 ie2d 12h 45m
21 May 1998 @ 1915

Interval Statistics

Interval Count2
Min2d 12h 45m
Max18y 125d 4h 43m
Mean9y 63d 20h 44m
Median9y 63d 20h 44m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
25885 29 May 2023 @ 1404 --- TSBryan vigorous bubbling with splashes to 1 foot or so
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