Note 25853

Geyser:Emerald Spring
Date/Time:2023-05-28 @ 1915
Time Entered:2023-05-28 19:17:02
Time Updated:2023-05-29 21:37:41
Time Uploaded:2023-05-29 21:37:41
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Overflowing with clear, green water. Spouter to the far left in the stand of fallen trees blooping and splashing <6 inches tall. RE cb: Thank you for the info! I was wondering if that was the 3 trees feature you were mentioning before!

"Spouter to the far left in the stand of fallen trees" > I call 3 trees.
Entrant: cb
Time Entered:2023-05-29 06:12:41
Time Uploaded:2023-05-29 06:12:42
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
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