Note 26087

Date/Time From:2023-06-06 @ 1500
Date/Time To:2023-06-06 @ 1715
Observer:Korben and I.
Time Entered:2023-06-06 15:01:01
Time Updated:2023-06-06 17:19:30
Time Uploaded:2023-06-06 17:19:31
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Duke of Depression's Royal Decree: it hath... weak crash from 1b to 1d at 1500. weak crash from 1b to 1d at 1513. weak crash from 1b to 1d at 1525. weak crash from 1b to 1c at 1527. weak crash from 1b+ to 1e at 1529. weak crash from 1b to 1d at 1544. weak crash (with a single bubble) from 1a to 1e at 1549 Decent crash that put water over the front crack from 1a to 2 at 1607. Very strong bubble crash from 1a to 2 at 1641. Decent crash from 1a at 1715, left before it finished dropping.

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