Note 29641

Date/Time:2017-10-07 @ 1200
Observer:2017 Norris log
Time Entered:2023-11-06 16:54:06
Time Uploaded:2023-11-06 16:54:06
Note:10/7/2017 - Vixen is behaving differently today. It is erupting nonstop, but in a sort of fine mist, in contrast with its usual “hacking and spitting water” (as I describe it) The height of the column of mist goes up and down. Geyser-gazer M.A.B is watching Vixen today. Indubitably, she will have detailed observations to share. MA has observed this sort of behavior from Vixen once before. Ranger Curtis (10 seasons @ Norris ) and Ranger Ross ( 2 seasons @ Norris) have not ever seen this before.

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