Note 34937

Geyser:Other Geyser
Date/Time:2024-06-06 @ 1955
Time Entered:2024-06-06 19:55:49
Time Updated:2024-06-06 20:37:30
Time Uploaded:2024-06-06 20:37:31
Note:Some information regarding Little Hucker (UNNG between Borah Peak and Dragon) I can gather from satellite imagery: From Google Earth (imagery date September 2023), it is located at 44.463113°, -110.829763° and shows up as a hole surrounded by a white patch in Dragon's runoff.
Imagery from September 2020 (January 2022 is unusable) shows just a white streak in Dragon's runoff channel and no obvious hole. Imagery from July 2017 is unclear, but doesn't show a hole at this location; there is a hole ±3 meters (±9 feet) N of it. This hole, however, was overrun by Dragon's runoff between July 2017 and September 2020, but, upon closer inspection and contrary to what was stated here earlier, remains recognizable in later imagery.
July 2016's imagery shows the situation before Dragon's runoff relocation clearer, with June 2016 imagery being the clearest. In both cases, there's a dark patch (which might be the same as Little Hucker) south of it, very near the coordinates stated above. August 2015 imagery also shows the hole and the dark patch, as do April 2015, June 2013, August 2010 and July 2010 imagery. Any imagery before that, though, is simply unusable as (commercial/public) satellite technology wasn't advanced enough to provide detailed imagery.
As a side note, the June 2016 imagery is also what's shown on Google Maps, 8 years out of date by now (it even shows Dragon's runoff heading west rather than south!).

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