Note 35215

Geyser:Lone Pine
Date/Time From:2024-06-14 @ 0550
Date/Time To:2024-06-14 @ 1754
Time Entered:2024-06-14 17:52:20
Time Updated:2024-06-14 18:09:25
Time Uploaded:2024-06-14 20:05:41
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:When I arrived at 0550 the crater was overflowing out the east side. Streams of bubbles were breaking the surface almost constantly such that it appeared at least half the surface was covered with ripples. The spund of bubbles almst constantly breaking the surface started to approach the sizzling level that has, in the past, signaled the start of an eruption. Sadly, the frequency and intensity pf the streams of bubbles started to decrease about 10. By 1215 even solo bubbles breaking the surface were infrequent. Between 1230 and 1515 no bubbles were observed causing ripples on the surface. Infrequent solo bubbles resumed about 1515. When I departed at 1750 the only activity was an isolated, infrequent bubble breaking the surface. Because the activity this morning was the strongest activity I have seen, I don’t think Lone Pine has erupted since ArtH observed it at 1158ie on 6/11/2024, a presumed interval of about 78 hours and counting…

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