Note 36774

Geyser:Beehive's Close to Cone Indicator
Date/Time From:2024-09-05 @ 0930
Date/Time To:2024-09-05 @ 1257
Observer:Brian Gorman
Time Entered:2024-09-05 09:30:01
Time Updated:2024-09-05 13:52:03
Time Uploaded:2024-09-05 13:52:03
Submitted to:GeyserLog (iOS)
Note:CCI was solidly in the range between "Strong and Consistent" and "Gangbusters" for this entire period of time, pausing only briefly after each of the few splashes from Bee. It did become even stronger immediately before Indy, but was too late to be helpful at that point in the process. As with yesterday's CCI, its activity was coming from an unusually dry hole, as opposed to the often-seen small pool.

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