Eruption 1403330

Geyser:Old Faithful
Duration:~3m 30s
Standardized Duration:~3m 30s
Time Entered:2023-04-10 18:26:41
Time Updated:2023-04-10 18:57:48
Time Uploaded:2023-04-10 18:57:49
Comments:(On Static Wc) Start seen on First Frame of 1746, Last Water on Second Frame of 1749, ~3m 30s total.

Last water seen doesn't mean the duration is also about 3m30s. The static takes a picture every 30s or so, so the end can also be anywhere in the 29.999... seconds that followed. A duration of 3m59s is therefore also possible, let alone that it is known that, at the end of an eruption, Old Faithful's water column is discontinuous at best. The frame taken at 4m into the eruption could therefore be taken during a pause, subsequentially stretching the duration to >=4m29s. The static is not good for durations to the second, only for determining start and long/medium/short to a high degree of certainty.
Entrant: JarnoO
Time Entered:2023-04-10 20:47:32
Time Updated:2023-04-10 20:48:24
Time Uploaded:2023-04-10 20:48:24
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
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