Date: | 2016-02-13 |
Time: | 1442 |
Geyser: | Old Faithful |
Webcam: | Yes |
Initial: | No |
Long/Short: | Long |
Duration: | 4 to 4.25m |
Time Entered: | 2016-02-13 14:42:19 |
Time Updated: | 2016-02-13 16:46:55 |
Time Uploaded: | 2016-02-13 14:46:56 |
Entrant: | JSJ |
Observer: | James St. John |
Submitted to: | |
Comments: | Preplay spouting at 1431, 1434, early 1437, late 1437, 1440, early 1441, and mid-1441. Eruption start at early 1442. Done at early 1446. | | Webcam screen capture photo (1 of 3) of Old Faithful Geyser's 2:42 to 2:46 PM eruption on 13 February 2016. | Entrant: JSJ Time Entered:2016-02-16 13:03:27 Time Uploaded:2016-02-16 13:03:27 Submitted |