Note 34411

Date/Time From:2024-05-04 @ 0830
Date/Time To:2024-05-04 @ 1915
Observer:Dan A, myself
Time Entered:2024-05-04 22:07:19
Time Uploaded:2024-05-04 22:07:21
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Steamboat was quite active overall today. Notable events occurred at: 1200 - series of concerted minors with impressive SV runoff. Baseball- and larger-sized rocks were washed down the runoff channel. 1600 - two concerted minors with sustained vertical from SV and a couple of 30-40' NV vertical bounces. 1800 - again, two concerted minors, this time with sustained vertical from both vents. No immediate follow-up, but energy remained high for approximately an hour afterward, with thick NV and occasional unsustained vertical.

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