Note 34525

Date/Time From:2024-05-11 @ 1800
Date/Time To:2024-05-11 @ 1830
Observer:cb & bbev
Time Entered:2024-05-11 18:50:09
Time Updated:2024-05-11 18:50:35
Time Uploaded:2024-05-11 18:50:35
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:kinda meh! Angled play from both vents. SV had a few nice rivers & its whitening. Interesting how SV runoff channels have changed over the winter. It's nice to be home. Beautiful day! ** Cistern Spring is low and only runoff is out the back channel. **Emerald Spring is cloudy, milky turquoise in color, overflowing with occasional bubbles breaking the surface along the edges.

welcome home!
Entrant: bhoppe
Time Entered:2024-05-11 19:46:44
Time Uploaded:2024-05-11 19:46:45
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
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