Note 34547

Date/Time From:2024-05-13 @ 1400
Date/Time To:2024-05-13 @ 1930
Entrant:Dan A
Observer:Mostly me, CB and Bbev joined later in the evening
Time Entered:2024-05-13 21:44:19
Time Uploaded:2024-05-13 21:44:19
Note:Both north and south were much improved from friday, north was thicker in general, south putting down more consistent water, more energetic play in general and more percussive, at 1730 strong minor with vertical north and angled south that put down a raging river, 1842 another strong minor with north vertical to about 35’ and angled south that put down a raging river, both of the vertical north’s were unsustained and there was no follow up to either of the minors.

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