Note 34628

Geyser:Other Geyser
Date/Time:2024-05-21 @ 0424
Time Entered:2024-05-21 05:28:16
Time Updated:2024-05-21 06:23:11
Time Uploaded:2024-05-21 06:23:11
Note:(wc) Large plume appeared in the Grotto - Fan and Mortar region, which also includes GNT and CLC (I guess that makes for a morning stroll...) but excludes Riverside, Grand and Artemisia. The large part of the plume (which spanned from its origin to out of frame near Castle) sustained until about 0450, after which it significantly declined. I think a Grotto start and a Rocket major can be ruled out due to the duration (Grotto start would just be a short burst of steam followed by steady steam, am not aware of a Rocket lasting any longer than 15m, let alone 20). In any case I'm hesitant to put it on a specific remaining candidate, as each one is more unlikely than the other.

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