Note 34719

Date/Time From:2024-05-27 @ 0700
Date/Time To:2024-05-27 @ 2158
Entrant:Ben VL
Observer:Myself, Dan, Art & Larissa, Suzanne & HK, Carol, Blake, Stephen Gemar, Craig, Darcie, the Crellins
Time Entered:2024-05-28 00:43:00
Time Uploaded:2024-05-28 00:43:10
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:Fairly quiet most of the morning. Occasional strong concerted minors in the afternoon and evening. Not quite as strong as what we got yesterday evening. SV can have some nice sustained fountaining, & NV can have some nice vertical but it is usually brief. There is some follow up but it is usually much smaller. NV very grumbly. Cistern still only overflowing out the back channel. Emerald clear. Echinus was murky this am but is now clear.

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