Note 35721

Date/Time From:2024-07-04 @ 1125
Date/Time To:2024-07-04 @ 1600
Observer:Dan A for part of the day and me
Time Entered:2024-07-04 22:25:21
Time Updated:2024-07-04 22:30:49
Time Uploaded:2024-07-04 22:30:49
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:Overall, there were some nice minors with good runoff at times. There were also longer quiet periods as the day went on. Many of the minors were of short duration. Concerted minor with vertical north and a raging river started the first hour. There were 2 more babbling brooks, and another nice minor with a raging river about 50 minutes into the hour. Another 2 babbling brooks rounded out the hour. The minors during this hour were about 87% concerted. At 1305 there was another nice minor with strong runoff followed by some babbling brooks and another nice minor at 1359. Two more came at 1439 & 1441. The minors slowed as the afternoon went on. The runoff channel was drying out between minors, which were spaced further apart as time went on.

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