Note 35733

Date/Time From:2024-07-05 @ 1320
Date/Time To:2024-07-05 @ 1700
Observer:Dan A (for part) and I
Time Entered:2024-07-05 20:11:42
Time Uploaded:2024-07-05 20:11:43
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:Dan reported a nice minor before I arrived. For the first hour, I recorded about 79% concerted. Then, from 1400-1500, it was about 80%. During the whole observation time, there were nice wide minors at times, but other periods of only splashing and long pauses between minors. There was one minor that I recorded as North center & South Vent “fountaining” to about tree height (shorter trees from my seated position on the mid deck). I recorded 5 Raging Rivers, & 10+ Babbling Brooks. The South Vent runoff channel is starting to whiten. The last 2-3 hours were much quieter than earlier in the day, with minors having shorter durations and less water.

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