Note 35976

Date/Time:2024-07-18 @ 1519
Time Entered:2024-07-18 15:26:42
Time Updated:2024-07-18 17:50:53
Time Uploaded:2024-07-18 19:55:09
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:I arrived about 1440 (Clep on solid, no Jet, Spasm, Twig, or SFP), saw wet places on the platform, and entered an "A" time of 1330. However, this eems strange to me: i could see water in Morning from the deck and water in Fountain 10-12" below the rectangle. Now, at about 1515, water has risen markedly in Morning and is easily visible in Fountain at the base of the rectangle. Was there a brief stall? Hmmm. I plan to watch and update. 1530 - water up to 1/4 of the rectangle. 1550: water even higher in Morning and 1/2 up rectangle in Fountain. 1615: rectangle covered. 1630: slow rise & cover a couple more marker rocks right of the rectangle, then stop. Morning visible from lowest landing. 1705: water in Morning visible from second step up on lowest landing - no chg in Fountain. 1715: Fountain has risen to cover marker hole on big rock right of rectangle. 1725: take a break

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