Note 36638

Geyser:Abyss Pool
Date/Time From:2024-08-30 @ 1430
Date/Time To:2024-08-30 @ 1630
Time Entered:2024-08-30 16:36:39
Time Updated:2024-08-30 17:15:45
Time Uploaded:2024-08-30 17:15:46
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:Abyss is hot, blue-green, and bubbling at several spots around the rim. There are also weak bubbles in the middle of the pool. I don’t know if the bubbles show boiling or not. The pool is overflowing in two spots. I’m not sure but the bubbling may be weakly cyclic. It is the hottest I have seen in several decades.

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