Last Known Eruption
32y 72d 56m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
23 May 1992 @ 1738 ie15d 7h 33m
08 May 1992 @ 100553d 22h 50m
15 Mar 1992 @ 10151d 2h 45m
14 Mar 1992 @ 07303d 22h 37m
10 Mar 1992 @ 085319h 53m
09 Mar 1992 @ 1300 A2d 21h 11m
06 Mar 1992 @ 15491d 6h 5m
05 Mar 1992 @ 094418h 37m
04 Mar 1992 @ 15074h 37m
04 Mar 1992 @ 1030 A1d 20m
03 Mar 1992 @ 101018h 40m
02 Mar 1992 @ 15303h 30m
02 Mar 1992 @ 1200 A2h 0m
02 Mar 1992 @ 100018h 45m
01 Mar 1992 @ 15152h 26m
01 Mar 1992 @ 124945m
01 Mar 1992 @ 12042h 49m
01 Mar 1992 @ 091519h 15m
29 Feb 1992 @ 1400 A4h 45m
29 Feb 1992 @ 091518h 15m
28 Feb 1992 @ 15002d 2h 30m
26 Feb 1992 @ 12303d 30m
23 Feb 1992 @ 1200 A1d 3h 5m
22 Feb 1992 @ 085517h 5m
21 Feb 1992 @ 15505h 0m
21 Feb 1992 @ 10501d 22h 55m
19 Feb 1992 @ 11552d 1h 25m
17 Feb 1992 @ 1030 A1d 5m
16 Feb 1992 @ 10251d 1h 30m
15 Feb 1992 @ 08551d 10m
14 Feb 1992 @ 0845 A17h 45m
13 Feb 1992 @ 1500 A7h 0m
13 Feb 1992 @ 0800 A2d 21h 5m
10 Feb 1992 @ 10551d 20h 16m
08 Feb 1992 @ 14392h 14m
08 Feb 1992 @ 12252h 10m
08 Feb 1992 @ 101521h 30m
07 Feb 1992 @ 1245 A21h 26m
06 Feb 1992 @ 15194h 49m
06 Feb 1992 @ 103021h 58m
05 Feb 1992 @ 123219h 28m
04 Feb 1992 @ 17044h 34m
04 Feb 1992 @ 123023h 30m
03 Feb 1992 @ 1300 A23h 9m
02 Feb 1992 @ 135123h 51m
01 Feb 1992 @ 14001d 23h 0m
30 Jan 1992 @ 15005d 2h 27m
25 Jan 1992 @ 12333h 35m
25 Jan 1992 @ 085818h 41m
24 Jan 1992 @ 14174h 47m
24 Jan 1992 @ 0930 A20h 15m
23 Jan 1992 @ 1315 A23h 38m
22 Jan 1992 @ 13371d 22h 32m
20 Jan 1992 @ 15054h 4m
20 Jan 1992 @ 11011d 11m
19 Jan 1992 @ 105021h 20m
18 Jan 1992 @ 1330 A2d 23h 51m
15 Jan 1992 @ 13391d 2h 15m
14 Jan 1992 @ 112420h 39m
13 Jan 1992 @ 14452h 0m
13 Jan 1992 @ 12452h 50m
13 Jan 1992 @ 095518h 57m
12 Jan 1992 @ 14583h 44m
12 Jan 1992 @ 111423h 38m
11 Jan 1992 @ 11367d 4h 36m
04 Jan 1992 @ 0700 A1d 15h 0m
02 Jan 1992 @ 16008h 0m
02 Jan 1992 @ 0800 A3d 19h 0m
29 Dec 1991 @ 1300 A11d 21h 45m
17 Dec 1991 @ 15153h 20m
17 Dec 1991 @ 115566d 3h 25m
12 Oct 1991 @ 093045s 35d 19h 15m
06 Sep 1991 @ 1415

Interval Statistics

Interval Count72
Max66d 3h 25m
Mean3d 14h 42m
Median21h 28m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
35906 14 Jul 2024 @ 1842 --- User34 Hot and blue, some small bits of bacteria floating around. Overflowing nicely out of the back right side and also out of the front right corner. Bubbles coming from one area close to the main boardwalk, and all along the rim closest to the boardwalk spur. Didn't stay long to see if it was periodically boiling from the center
35751 06 Jul 2024 @ 1300 06 Jul 2024 @ 1417 Janet Jones Heating continues at Abyss, but at a bit slower of a pace. It is decidedly a teal blue than in the middle between teal green and teal blue. Chunks of microbes still float up with upwelling of water. The vent at the bottom is not yet visible - perhaps because of the microbe chunks - but it is still cloudy down there, but more clear than on July 2. Abyss gave off more steam than Black Pool. There was a steady stream of larger bubbles near the edge of pool on the side closer to Skinny Geyser. These were about baseball sized today - larger than on the 2nd. Bubbles rose from the center of the pool at 1301 (D=?), 1312 (D=? - these bubbles were smaller and closer to the catch basin by the overflow), 1317 (D=15s), 1320 (D=5s), 1325 had an increase in steam where I couldn't see the surface of the water. 1327 (D=? Steam obscured the view), 1329 (2 bubbles rose), 1331 (D=5s), 1335 (D=15s), 1344 (D=10s), 1345 (1 bubble), 1348 (D=15s), 1352 (D=? Visitor asking questions), 1357 (D=15s), 1359 (D=5s), 1406 (D=15s), 1409 (D=15s), 1414 (D=15s), 1416 (D=? Getting ready to end observation time). Since I am not set up to accurately time the duration of the bubbles, I would count - with an estimate of seconds and would put either 5,10 or 15 seconds to represent shorter, medium and longer times of bubbling. Upwelling was also documented and generally was noticed about every minute or two with a couple of longer pauses. Significant upwelling that filled the entire pool happened at 1351 and 1412.
35691 02 Jul 2024 @ 1445 02 Jul 2024 @ 1632 Janet Jones Abyss continues to heat. Color is lighter and many visitors called it blue. I would have categorized it as a teal right between blue and green. Rangers roving there said it was definitely green yesterday. The steam from Abyss matched that coming from Black Pool. Welling up was seen often and brought with it chunks of microbe mats floating up with it. One lady was convinced something was swimming in there. Bubbles seen along the edge including the ledge at the end of the spur of boardwalk where the rangers give their talks. Bubbles are overall larger than on Sunday. Took times of bubbles. Seen at 1458 (first recorded), 1504 (D=5s), 1508 (D=5s), 1513 (D=5s), 1516 (D=5s), 1517(D=?), 1519 - no bubbles seen, but a large upwelling of water that covered a good chunk of the pool), 1525 (upwelling of water only), 1534 bubbles (D=15s), 1537 (D=15 s). From there, upwelling was seen, but no bubbles until 1632 when I left the area.
35650 30 Jun 2024 @ 1819 30 Jun 2024 @ 1830 Janet Jones The edge of Abyss Pool had fewer microbes than earlier this morning. Lots of small bits of microbes floating in the water. Bubbles along the edge in three places, larger bubbles rising from the center. I saw good welling up of water. Based on how much the wash area had dried on this windy afternoon, I would guess that the surge that happened might have occurred sometime in the previous 24-36 hours from tonight’s observation. The last time I saw this behavior, the color was blue. It wouldn’t surprise me to see Abyss clear up this week and turn green or even blue with how fast things can shift at West Thumb.
35638 30 Jun 2024 @ 1122 --- Janet Jones Overflowing not only from the typical channel by the little catch basin, but also in a gap in the sinter on the far long side. Damp soil all the way to King Geyser might indicate significant cycling. Never seen this much wash in 19 years of observing. Still dark in color with some microbes sloughing off.
35512 24 Jun 2024 @ 0854 --- Craigmon99 Still blackish. A bit clearer than last year. 4 inches from overflow
35491 23 Jun 2024 @ 1047 --- Janet Jones Abyss is 2-3" below overflow (the catch basin by the overflow point is full of water now and with microbe growth) with sections of the microbe mat lining the crater starting to slough off.
34817 01 Jun 2024 @ 1356 --- Janet Jones While still looking quite black, the water level has risen a bit since my last visit a couple of weeks ago. The water is just beginning to fill the catch basin near the point of overflow. Water was a few inches above the line of microbes. The ephemeral spring up by the parking lot (across the boardwalk from "Fake Fumarole") doesn't appear to have sent water down under the boardwalk all the way to Abyss and Black Pool this year. (Or at least since access to West Thumb this year) That's a help.
34502 10 May 2024 @ 1331 --- Janet Jones Water level is about a foot below overflow and is black in color..
28583 30 Sep 2023 @ 0945 --- Janet Jones Only a couple of inches below overflow and good sized chunks of the microbes lining the crater are sloughing off.
27898 01 Sep 2023 @ 1324 --- Graham Water level has risen to a few inches below overflow. Steaming, seems hotter than in the spring. Ranger said it has been slowly rising this summer and was about an inch higher recently.
26938 08 Jul 2023 @ 1649 --- nails Still close to a foot below overflow. Very dark green.
26916 08 Jul 2023 @ 1152 --- Janet Jones Water has risen to about 6 inches below overflow. Still black in color, but chunks of microbes have started to slough off the walls of the crater. Welling up of water plus small circular currents seen on the surface of the water.
26536 20 Jun 2023 @ 1934 --- Craigmon99 About a foot below overflow. Dark water. Not very hot. Extra creepy to be around.
25389 12 May 2023 @ 1130 --- Janet Jones About 2 feet below overflow- inky green color
24052 24 Sep 2022 @ 1335 --- Art Boardwalk still closed at Twin and Big Cone. Mostly likely will remain closed for rest of season.
23548 03 Sep 2022 @ 1500 --- Graham Boardwalk closed from Big Cone to the Twin boardwalk Junction. The middle boardwalk is open.
23360 23 Aug 2022 @ 0908 --- Craigmon99 Unable to view due to ongoing crime scene.
23204 15 Aug 2022 @ 1555 --- steve The water level is a bit higher, perhaps 5 inches below overflow.
22911 28 Jul 2022 @ 1054 --- rbwhitaker Water about 8 inches below overflow and steaming.
21691 03 Jun 2022 @ 1216 --- ge 2 ft below crest
21264 13 May 2022 @ 1500 --- Tara Bluish water, water level down ~2.5 feet.
19715 24 Sep 2021 @ 0757 --- SteveO Down about 2 feet below the rim.
19269 04 Sep 2021 @ 0926 --- Janet Jones Below overflow. Steam rising 6-10 feet above ground level at 46 degrees F.
17938 20 Jun 2021 @ 0716 --- K.Cooper 2 feet below rim, surface temp about 120F
17604 09 Jun 2021 @ 1400 --- Tara Water level still down, temp still cool with darker bacteria in the pool.
16462 28 Oct 2020 @ 1129 --- Janet Jones Green with a hint of blue to the green. Yellow microbes in the little catch basin by the main overflow channel and shallow ledge.
16431 15 Oct 2020 @ 1412 --- jonp Clear blue-green color; slight overflow.
15363 04 Aug 2020 @ 1130 --- Janet Jones Clear blue - vent is very visible at the bottom. Steady bubbles rising in one spot along the edge closest to the boardwalk that runs along the long side of the pool.
14991 15 Jul 2020 @ 1035 --- Janet Jones Back to clear and blue-green color - vent is clearly visible and it’s overflowing. Rangers Julie, Luz and Carley said it cleared up about three weeks ago. Bubbles were seen rising along the edge, but none seen from the center of the pool.
14780 29 Jun 2020 @ 1344 --- bhoppe Pool was full and blue. Overflowing in multiple spots with some bubbles rising to the surface near the boardwalk.
14779 29 Jun 2020 @ 1030 --- User34 Blue and hot. Ranger said it had heated to 170F in the course of a couple weeks
14207 18 May 2020 @ 1318 --- Janet Jones A couple of inches below overflow. Dark green - looks possibly muddy from ephemeral spring up top (across from "Fake Fumarole" - behind the old road) that flows into it every since the boardwalk was replaced. Is that mud plugging it up?
20796 16 May 2020 @ 1543 --- Janet Jones Not in overflow - as seen from a flight over the park. Time per camera data (not 100% sure that it's correct).
13342 21 Aug 2019 @ 1130 --- Janet Jones Yellow microbes lining the crater now have a mottled appearance. Color of the pool is now a lighter green than on my last visit earlier this month.
12506 16 Jul 2019 @ 1045 --- Janet Jones Green with a few chunks of microbe mat lifting. Vent is visible.
11206 10 May 2019 @ 1304 --- Janet Jones Orange microbes lining the crater. Zero bubbles seen.
9155 12 Jul 2018 @ 1310 --- bhoppe Pool has assumed a green-blue hue. Very clear to see deep into the pool.
7713 15 Oct 2017 @ 1620 --- Janet Jones Definitely has cooled. Definitely more green than blue. Still can clearly see the bottom of the crater.
4286 09 Jun 2017 @ 1030 --- Janet Jones Boardwalk being moved there, but you can still walk the outer loop of boardwalk at West Thumb. Abyss looked a touch more blue than on the 4th - still more of a teal color. Bubbles occasionally rising in a few spots.
3876 13 Oct 2016 @ 1044 --- Janet Jones While it's still a dark green, it is nice to see bubbles rising at one point along the edge closest to the main boardwalk loop. Also a few bubbles rose in the middle of the pool.
3614 11 Jun 1992 @ 0800 --- bhoppe Time or details not noted, but 6/11/1992 is noted as the "last known eruption" of Abyss Pool.
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