Note 37000

Geyser:Abyss Pool
Date/Time:2024-09-15 @ 1433
Entrant:Janet Jones
Time Entered:2024-09-15 21:37:17
Time Updated:2024-09-15 22:13:26
Time Uploaded:2024-09-15 22:13:25
Note:While on this first look at Abyss while at West Thumb, the bubbles still rose along the edge, but were smaller than before. Welling up continues. The "Area Above Abyss" (across the spur of boardwalk) has potentially five springs there - three are open with boiling water. Two others are still closed with dirt. The largest of these is more vigorous than on my last visit on Sept 2. Also, there are trees across the main boardwalk from these pools Above Abyss have some orange needles and appear to be dying. Rangers said this was a very recent development.

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