Note 36778

Date/Time From:2024-09-05 @ 0845
Date/Time To:2024-09-05 @ 1415
Time Entered:2024-09-05 16:24:20
Time Updated:2024-09-16 12:52:03
Time Uploaded:2024-09-16 12:52:03
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Moderate improvement in activity from the past 2 days. 0845 to 1045: 1 decent minor per hour with runoff from South Vent (no fountaining), nothing sustained. 1122 to 1134: activity increased with a series of minors, initiated by North Vent, nothing very high, but vertical, and South Vent joined in to produce decent runoff. 5 total noteworthy minors in 12 minutes. Then very little until a nice minor with some fountaining from South Vent at 1200, with a smaller followup minor at 1203. Then very little activity until 1325 when I observed the best minor of the day: thick North Vent vertical and nice tall fountaining from South Vent. Produced very noisy babbling brook runoff. Unfortunately there was no followup. One more decent minor observed at 1400, but it was weaker than the others.

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