Note 37053

Geyser:Other Geyser
Date/Time From:2024-09-18 @ 1740
Date/Time To:2024-09-18 @ 1751
Entrant:Micah Kipple
Time Entered:2024-09-18 17:52:21
Time Uploaded:2024-09-18 20:53:49
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Clearwater Springs: Most pools just sizzling with gas. Immediately across the creek from the farthest west corner of the observation platform is a pool that looks like it could definitely do more if it wanted. The most interesting thing is that the largest alcove across the creek, with the feature hidden from view has periodic splashing noises, with definite pauses. The discharge entering the creek from the feature is clear water. So it could potentially be a geyser. Other visitors also confirmed they were hearing pauses with me.

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